Oh yeah, that's all you'd expect to go into a child's life. Everything a child should see, touch, experience.
Lightweight is also a mission, the mission of every parent in 2020 that an ordinary afternoon - because it is truly true that life takes great turns in the timid afternoons from which you don't expect much to happen - of a March that is no longer ordinary he suffered a profound stop to his own life, to carefree running, to a spring at the door, to mouths dirty with ice cream, to life that continued to run like the hands of every clock.
I've thought a lot about time, this crystallized time.
I don't deny that it took me a few days to figure out where we started again but then I found out, I should have started again from their smiles, from what makes a child different from an adult: light-heartedness, because this is precisely the secret There is no “what could go wrong if” section in children's heads and I thank heaven for that every day.
We invented every possible game but what got us involved most of all was inventing new possible outfits every day to experiment with once out.
One day I took the new WALKEY sandals and I asked them, starting from there, to invent a clothing of their taste, it was beautiful.
But the result is that for the whole day they remained fully dressed and with their shoes, Beatrice didn't want to take them off even to go to sleep.
But by the way, I take this opportunity to tell you about this company that I personally adore. Because it's true that the eye wants its part and with the new Walkey collection she won't have to complain but as a mother the thing that matters to me more than anything else, with respect to my little girls' shoes, is quality. Each product in the Walkey collection is the result of scrupulous research for the ideal solution, with the added value of being able to make use of the precious collaboration of specialist medical consultants in the orthopedic-pediatric field.
In short, they are absolutely perfect. Seeing is believing.
And you, are you ready to leave now?